Benefits of Couples Therapy

Couples therapy can often seem daunting, and is usually considered a last resort to solving relationship issues. However, couples therapy and counseling can be a great option for couples who are feeling stagnant, facing major transitions, or feeling anger, sadness, or numbness in regards to their relationship or partner.

For best results, therapists will tailor sessions to reflect evidence-based practices that follow scientifically designed methods that couples may use as a sort of “relationship toolbox” that they can use to cope with issues. This relationship toolbox will work to:
1. Change relationship perspectives
2. Identify dysfunctional behaviors
3. Modify dysfunctional behaviors
4. Decrease emotional avoidance
5. Improve communication

Even if participants feel that they already have these skills, couples therapy can prove invaluable in teaching romantic partners to do the same. While traditional therapy focuses on one individual, couples therapy really works to bring a couple to the same level of understanding in a relationship. Additionally, these skills can be used to strengthen other relationships that may be strained, such as relationships with family members or close friends.

Couples therapy not only brings to light relationship issues, but also uncovers the unconscious mechanisms that we use to interact with others. Even if couples therapy fails to reconcile a couple as they had initially hoped for, it gives them the perspective and ability to change maladaptive behaviors that would have plagued them in future or other present relationships.

Conflict is an unavoidable part of life, and learning how to effectively resolve conflict in a healthy manner is a skill in which everyone can benefit. Don’t wait until relationship molehills become mountains, and learn how to improve relationships today with couple’s therapy.

For more information or to speak to one of our staff at the West Valley Counseling Center, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

Spring Cleaning: Not Just the House

Traditional spring cleaning brings to mind scrubbing floors, throwing away useless or broken items, and maybe a new coat of paint on the house. However, life usually finds a way to evolve into something that’s anything but traditional, giving us no choice but to respond accordingly.

Spring cleaning can be a great opportunity to purge more than just dust and broken food processors. Spring is a signifier of new beginnings and a perfect time for self-reflection and goal setting. Here are just a few aspects of life that may benefit from a little spring cleaning:

Consider Relationships
Evaluating current relationships and friendships can have a huge impact on happiness, time, and personal growth. Take the time to figure out who is a true friend, and who could use some distancing from. Friends who constantly judge or ridicule decisions, who are not trustworthy, or who flake repeatedly may be adding another element of stress to life.

How to deal with toxic relationships or friendships that have fallen by the way side is up to the individual, but consistency and firmness are crucial.

Clear Important Spaces
Cleaning your entire life can seem like an incredibly daunting task, but entirely doable by tackling projects in steps. A great starting point is the spaces that are frequently used. It could be an office, kitchen, car, or even bedroom. Go as slowly as needed, but really focus on doing at least one thing every day until the space is cleared of clutter.

Focus on Yourself
Winter is not always kind to waistlines. Spring brings warm weather and sunshine, and is perfect for taking strolls around the neighborhood after dinner or going on bike rides with loved ones during the weekend. These healthier choices fuel a happier you while helping to lose weight or maintain your figure. Use spring cleaning as a chance to buy healthier groceries, plan meals at home, and focus on creating a healthy and happy you! A new haircut or pair of shoes can also be a well-deserved treat.

Tackle that ‘To-do List’
To-do lists are inevitable facts of life. While a to-do list will always have things on it, try and cross off a few of the peskier items that have been haunting your day planner for a while. This may seem counter-intuitive to spring cleaning—aren’t we supposed to be tying up loose ends instead of starting new projects?—but getting tasks out of the way will help you to focus more on current projects. It is also important to reflect on to-do lists. Is redecorating the sitting room worth the stress and time commitment? If not, take it off the list and revisit it later. We can’t do everything, but we can do the important things.

Overall, there are many ways to spring clean and improve quality of life. Spring cleaning can often seem like another stressful chore, but its potential could help reduce daily stress and fatigue, and lead to a happier and more balanced life.

For more information or to speak to one of our staff, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

The Importance of Hobbies and Extracurricular Activities for Adolescents

Hobbies are one of the greatest pleasures in life, but hobbies can often be overlooked in adolescence. As a parent, mentor, or guardian, one of the most positive things you can do for an adolescent is encourage extracurricular activities and hobbies.

Hobbies and Extracurricular activities help to:

1.) Avoid Bullying

Involvement in after-school sports, clubs, or band gives adolescents a healthy way to interact with peers and develop a high level of social support. If your child has a consistent network of friends, their social skills may be ‘exercised’. Hobbies provide youth an opportunity to work diplomatically with peers instead of using violence or verbal attacks.

2.) Detect and Prevent Early Warning Signs of Delinquent Behavior

Adult supervision, increased access to trusted adults, and friends are great ways for adolescents to reach out when they need help. Trying to provide support that still respects privacy and an adolescent’s sense of autonomy encourages individuals to stay away from delinquent behavior, such as substance abuse. Additionally, the extra involvement can make parents aware of an adolescent’s friends, activities, and behavior.

3.) Increase Self-esteem

It is no secret that self-esteem is very important for adolescents. Hobbies and extracurricular activities prove very beneficial in highlighting strengths while providing a warm environment where teens feel safe and valued. Children with high levels of self-esteem oftentimes perform better in school, have closer family relationships, and are less likely to turn to drugs or alcohol when they have problems.

4.) Make friends

Making friends can be difficult during the transition from childhood into adolescence; having multiple interests and hobbies can help adolescents befriend like-minded individuals and engage in constructive activities. Having friends who also enjoy similar hobbies can provide scaffolding that will help an adolescent. For example, two friends who enjoy knitting may take turns teaching each other new stitches or helpful hints. Learning from peers can be a very valuable tool that may yield better results than constant lecturing from adults.

5.) Make adolescents competitive for higher education opportunities and scholarships

Hobbies and activities for fun can often be added to resumes and are beneficial on college applications. Not only do adolescents with hobbies tend to do better in school, they may be eligible for music or sport scholarships that can lessen the financial load of universities. Hobbies, clubs, and activities provide your adolescents with immediate AND long-term benefits.

6.) Lessen chances of obesity and sedentary lifestyle

Obesity rates are climbing at an alarming rate, especially for children and adolescents. Having hobbies can reduce time spent in front of a television or computer and teach healthy habits that can follow them throughout their life.


For more information or to speak to one of our staff, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

Listening to Your Child With an Open Heart, Part 2: The Early Years

As a Super Parent, you are a natural teacher. But even Super Parents don’t have all the answers. How can you help your children avoid the abuse of drugs and alcohol? How can you encourage your children to express their natural emotions in healthy ways?

By Teresa Lalicker, MFT, Program Director, West Valley Counseling Center.

In our first blog, Dr. Burnett said that, “The key is to create resiliency in our children from their early years onward. We do this in our parent-child relationships by paying close attention to how we listen to our kids and model for them healthy emotional expression.”

How can we foster this resiliency in our children?

1.) By fostering healthy attachment in infancy.

Attentive mothering/caregiving creates a safe environment for the infant. Infants establish secure attachments when caregivers like you (mother, father, etc.) accomplish three things:

– learn to recognize your child’s verbal and nonverbal signals,
– accurately interpret those signals, and
– respond in a timely fashion and in an appropriate manner.

Let’s say that you, as a parent, have a weepy six-month-old who is in pain from teething. You respond to your child’s crying with an appropriate comment such as, “I see you are sad because your teeth are hurting you.”

What you’ve just done is called sensitive responsiveness. You responded to your child’s emotional signals in a healthy, appropriate, and positive way.

Challenge yourself to respond sensitively when your child expresses his or her emotions, and try to make sure that your responses don’t conflict with each other. Here’s an example: Hugging, kissing, and showing affection to a young child can be a sensitive response on your part, but not if it abruptly interrupts your child’s ongoing exploration and play.

Another example: If you comfort a crying child, this can also be a sensitive response from you, but not if it is accompanied with a verbal barrage criticizing the baby for being such a pain.

Securely attached infants will learn how to seek out and feel safe in healthy relationships. Then, as they grow into teens, they’ll be able to identify, express, and process their emotions in healthy ways, rather than turning to drugs and alcohol for comfort.

What’s another way that we can create emotional resiliency in our children?

2.) By teaching our children how to identify, express, and process their emotions.

We can help infants and young children identify their feelings by expressing those feelings for them. For example, you can say to your child,

“That loud noise really scared you.”
“You are angry that it’s time to go to sleep.”

If you initially “label” your children’s feelings for them, then your children will eventually learn to identify and express those feelings for themselves.

Lastly, it’s important for young children to learn how to process their own feelings and emotions. This will eventually create the ability to self-soothe.

Self-soothing occurs when your child is able to respond to his or her own emotions in a positive way. Methods of self-soothing include taking deep breaths, talking about their pain, or allowing themselves to cry.

The ability to self-soothe, in healthy ways, provides skills for our children that will make drug and alcohol use less appealing as coping mechanisms for difficult emotions.

The staff at West Valley Counseling Center provides therapy and family counseling to dozens of clients every day. In this blog series our therapists will explore how to create “valuing relationships” throughout your child’s life. We will go step by step through a child’s emotional development, giving clear descriptions with real-world examples of how to foster strong emotional relationships and help our children deal with the ups and downs of life. Look for our next blog coming soon.

Finding a Balance in Life

Between work, family, friends, and community obligations, life can often seem more like an endless to-do list than an actual life. Finding a balance in life begins with finding your own autonomy, and structuring your life in a way that brings you daily joy in order to incrementally reach your goals. Here are a few ways to manage stress and bring a balance into your day-to-day functions.

1. Manage Your Time Efficiently

Time management is not a one-time goal. Ask yourself if you are accomplishing things in quantity or quality, and adjust accordingly. Utilize a calendar or day planner to ensure that you do not miss important appointments or events. Procrastinating will increase stress and inflammation, and can add strain in your relationships. Finding the discipline to stick to a schedule can be difficult, but it will allow you more time to pursue hobbies or to simply relax.

2. Do Not Commit to Obligations Until 24 Hours have Passed

We have all been in the position. A PTA member you have never spoken to needs a huge favor on your day off. What do you do? Is making cookies for the bake sale more important than spending time helping your kids with homework or relaxing doing an activity you enjoy?

While it is important to partake in the various organizations you are affiliated with, it is also important to put yourself and your family first. Before committing to obligations, (i.e.; anything other than a fun social event) give yourself time to determine whether you can comfortably commit without feeling irritable, resentful, or angry.

When asked “Can you….?” always respond with “I’ll get back to you tomorrow or in the next couple of days.”

Your body and mind will thank you.

3. Reflect Weekly

It is healthy to realize that you cannot do everything. You can, however, do what is important. Finding a balance is all about reflecting on what areas of life you feel competent and accomplished in, and what areas you could work on.

Reflect weekly through meditation, exercise, or doing a quiet activity that helps you feel present and calm. We spend so much time looking into the future, that looking back and finding behavioral patterns and problem solving strategies can be very beneficial.

4. Focus on Improving One Area of Your Life at a Time

It is when we try to do everything at once that important events, relationships, or goals fall through the cracks. Try focusing on one or a few aspects of your life at a time, and remember that some are better than others.

For example, the holidays are a great chance to get in touch with old friends and distant family members. Use this time to get closer to the important people in your life. By spending a few weeks or months focusing on family, and then career, and then friendships, and then organization, etc. you can make positive change without overwhelming yourself.

For more information or to speak to one of our staff, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

The Heart of the Matter: Help for Super Parents

As a Super Parent, you are a natural teacher. But even Super Parents don’t have all the answers.  How can you help your children avoid the abuse of drugs and alcohol? How can you encourage your children to express their natural emotions in healthy ways?

Listening to Your Child with an Open Heart
by Sharon Burnett, PhD, Executive Director of West Valley Counseling Center

Why Do Kids Use?

Many kids are drawn to drinking alcohol and taking drugs. After all, alcohol and drugs are attractive because they can soothe difficult or disruptive emotions, mask the effects of family turmoil, and possibly mask trauma. Peer pressure can push a child over the line and into drugs.

The catch? The soothing effect of drugs and alcohol is only temporary. In the end, the child’s emotions are still there, waiting to be dealt with, somehow.

As parents, we can see how the temporary solution of drugs and alcohol actually creates deeper problems in our children. But our kids, who are trying to survive each day, don’t have this perspective. In fact, kids are often willing to sacrifice their long-term well being for some short-term calm.

How can we prepare our children to combat this “temporary fix”? We can we help them choose a different path.

The key is to create resiliency in our children from their early years onward.  We do this in our parent-child relationships by paying close attention to how we listen to our kids and model for them healthy emotional expression.


How do our kids deal with difficult emotions, with trauma, with things that they don’t understand or that frighten them?

Maybe they talk to us, their parents. Maybe they talk to friends, teachers, or counselors. Maybe they don’t talk to anyone at all.

“Parents are the first line of defense.”
— Susan Blauner, director of operations, Saving Lives Drug and Alcohol Coalition

There’s a better way to help our children soothe their emotional turmoil: a strong, healthy relationship. Your relationship with your child starts with emotion. Emotions are the natural cues we feel that tell us what we need. During difficult times, we depend on the people around us to make us feel cared for. And when we feel cared for, amazing things can happen in our lives.

A good relationship provides a child with the feeling of loving — and being loved by — another human being. A relationship teaches our kids something incredibly important: that they have value, and that other people value them as well. The most important and powerful relationship in which this occurs over the course of a lifetime is the parent-child relationship.


When you listen to your child, you create and strengthen a bond, and several important things happen:
– You help your child identify his or her feelings, worries, and fears.
– You encourage your child to express his or her emotions without passing judgment.
– You talk about these emotions so your child can process what he or she is feeling — and why.

How you listen and respond to your children will change as they grow and respond to the world around them. But the simple act of noticing what your children are feeling — and helping them express those feelings — creates for a child the sense of being seen, loved, and valued.

When you do this, you help your child meet his or her basic needs of growing up. When their needs are met, children feel soothed. Suddenly the attractiveness of drugs and alcohol will most likely fade. After all, your children now have a consistent and natural way to soothe those tough emotions: they ask you, their parent, to listen to them.

The staff at West Valley Counseling Center provides therapy and family counseling to dozens of clients every day. In this blog series our therapists will explore how to create “valuing relationships” throughout your child’s life. We will go step by step through a child’s emotional development, giving clear descriptions with real-world examples of how to foster strong emotional relationships and help our children deal with the ups and downs of life. Look for our next blog coming soon.

Bookmark this blog, and visit us soon for Part 2:  “Listening to Your Child with an Open Heart: The Early Years.”

For more information or to speak to one of our staff, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

From the Heart of Therapy

From the director
Sharon J. Burnett, Ph.D., LMFT

Founder and director of West Valley Counseling Center

“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found a way out of the depths. These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen”

–Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

But just how does this happen, how do we turn our pain into beauty, our despair into hope, our anger and judgment into compassion? One of West Valley’s therapists, Aaron Crowe, describes it as a process of transformation.

“In the course of our lives events have caused us pain. We’ve had to figure out how to relate to that pain. Perhaps we’ve mostly put it out of our mind, perhaps we’ve found habits that soothe us (some destructive, some mostly harmless). Perhaps we’re not so happy with ourselves for the feelings the pain creates in us. Sometimes, by the time we come to therapy, we’ve forgotten about the original cause and spend most of our time working with the various symptoms and consequences of having been wounded. All of this is understandable and simply what human beings do. Therapy is not meant to correct a faulty way of being but instead to help us learn to relate to ourselves and our pain in a loving way. It is a surprising fact of being human that when we are wounded we tend to blame ourselves. Therapy works to help us let go of this subtle (often unrecognized) judgment. With a safe space to examine our wounds – our disappointments, our unanswered needs, how we’ve been harmed – we begin to see them in a different light. We develop compassion for ourselves, understanding how we became the person we are and beginning to appreciate that person. We soften and connect to our natural resilience. This begins a transformation in which we become less afraid of ourselves, learning to meet all that we are with openness. When an ability to relate to ourselves in this way takes hold, we begin to naturally relate to those close to us and the world with the same heartfelt acceptance.”

As the Director and Founder of West Valley Counseling Center, it has been my goal to create a center where as many people as possible can experience this transformation. Unresolved trauma and pain radiate out to our family, friends, and the world. Affordable mental healthcare contributes to a healthy society, helping us shift what radiates out. We move through our trauma and pain, ultimately finding acceptance, understanding and love.

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

WVCC is offering a free depression screening this month! Let us help you formulate a plan to feel better!”

“WVCC is offering a free depression screening this month! Let us help you formulate a plan to feel better!”

Are you or someone you know suffering from depression? Maybe you’re not sure…

If you have been feeling down for a period of two weeks or more, you may be suffering from depression. We can help.

This month at West Valley Counseling Center (WVCC), we are offering a free consultation depression screening. Just call the number below and set up an appointment.

West Valley Counseling Center is a non-profit counseling center serving the valley community. Established in 2006, our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable therapy in a private practice setting. Our goal is to meet the needs of those who cannot afford, or do not have access to these services due to economic circumstances.

Call us today and mention this flyer for your free screening consultation.

There are no strings attached! Let us help you formulate a plan to feel better!

We’re here for you.

For more information or to speak to one of our staff, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

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Getting Unstuck

Becoming unstuck basically means being less at the mercy of our habitual reactions. There are a number of ways to do this. Learning mindfulness techniques as taught in Chodron’s book is one great way.

I came across a recommendation for Pema Chodron’s CD set Getting Unstuck in the Ask Amy advice column in the L.A. Times. Getting unstuck is a popular concept in therapy these days and Chodron always does an amazing job of explaining things simply and clearly.

So what does it really mean to get unstuck? And what are the different tools and techniques that can help us get there?

Becoming unstuck basically means being less at the mercy of our habitual reactions. There are a number of ways to do this. Learning mindfulness techniques as taught in Chodron’s book is one great way. Individual psychotherapy is another. With the insight and empathy we gain in therapy we are able to understand our habits and their origins and it becomes easier to remove ourselves from their grip. Grief and loss work is another helpful option. With grief work we are able to access our pain—so often a major source of the habits that keep us stuck—in a way that helps to free us from its grip in our day-to-day lives.

West Valley Counseling Center has an upcoming grief and loss workshop at the beginning of April. We also have two “Mindfulness for Anxiety” groups currently running (Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.).

As Chodron explains so well in most of her writings, tools like those mentioned above help us to relate to our lives with curiosity rather than fear, and this makes a tremendous difference in feeling less stuck.

If you have any questions about this blog or want to learn more about feeling less “stuck” in your daily life, please contact us at (818) 758-9450 or email us at

For a link to the article that references a married woman feeling “stuck” in her life routine, please click HERE.

West Valley Counseling Center is located at 19634 Ventura Blvd. Suite 212 Tarzana, CA 91356

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